Baddeck Wharf

Old Freight Shed, Baddeck

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Baddeck Wharf


Facing East - View of the Government Wharf towards Beinn Bhreagh


Baddeck is considered to be the beginning and end of the world famous “Cabot Trail” and is situated in the heart of Cape Breton Island. Stretching along the shores of the beautiful Bras d’Or Lakes, it is a village in full bloom from spring to autumn with a kaleidoscope of colours displayed in baskets, boxes and gardens along its downtown shopping core. In 2008, Baddeck received Five Blooms, the highest award in the National Community in Blooms program - “People, plants and pride ... growing together. Alexander Graham Bell, compelled by the beauty of Baddeck, chose Beinn Bhreagh as his summer residence. Today, visitors celebrate Bell’s life’s work through the exhibitions and interactive demonstrations at the Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Site.


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