Region Map - Eastern Shore
Armdale Roundabout
Peggys Cove Lighthouse
Fundy Discovery Site
Pier 21
Quarterdeck Resort
Burntcoat Head
Bluenose II Wharf
Lockeport Crescent Beach
Halifax Waterfront
White Point Beach
By Region
Argyle Street
Armdale Roundabout
Emera Oval
Ferry Terminal
Halifax Waterfront
MacKay Bridge
Museum Wharves
Pier 21
Queen's Marque
Sambro Harbour
The Wave
Eastern Shore
Sherbrooke Village North
Sherbrooke Village South
South Shore
Bluenose II Wharf
Cape Sable Island
Chester Golf Club
Chester Yacht Club
Lockeport Crescent Beach
Peggys Cove Lighthouse
Peggys Cove Village
Quarterdeck Resort
Sandy Point Lighthouse
Shelburne Harbour
Tancook Island Wharf
White Point Beach
Yarmouth and Acadian Shores
Belliveau Cove Harbour
Cape Forchu Lightstation
Cape Saint Mary
Historic Acadian Village
Killam's Wharf
Lobster Rock Wharf Causeway
Lobster Rock Wharf East
Lobster Rock Wharf North
Lobster Rock Wharf Parking
Lobster Rock Wharf West
Marginal Wharf North
Marginal Wharf South
Mavillette Beach
Old Government Wharf
Yarmouth Skatepark
Fundy Shore and Annapolis Valley
Burntcoat Head
Cobequid Mountains
Digby Harbour
Digby Water Street
Fundy Discovery Site
Hall's Harbour
Landscape of Grand Pré
Masstown Market
Mersey River Chalets
Milford House
OnTree Park
Parrsboro Wharf
Point Prim Lighthouse
Rockcliffe by the Sea
Ski Martock
South Maitland
Truro Civic Square
Truro Nissan
Walton Lighthouse
Windsor Salt Marsh
Windsor Skatepark
Wolfville Dykelands
Wolfville Harbourside
Cape Breton Island
Baddeck Wharf
Highland Village Museum
Highlands Links #1
Highlands Links #12
Highlands Links #18
Inverary Resort
Meat Cove Campground
View of the Sea Cottages
Northumberland Shore
Ski Wentworth 1
Ski Wentworth 2
Wild Blueberry Cam 1
Wild Blueberry Cam 2
Argyle Street
Bluenose II Wharf
Burntcoat Head
Chester Yacht Club
Cobequid Mountains
Digby Water Street
Emera Oval
Highland Village Museum
Highlands Links #12
Highlands Links #18
Killam's Wharf
Lockeport Crescent Beach
Masstown Market
Meat Cove Campground
Mersey River Chalets
Milford House
OnTree Park
Peggys Cove Lighthouse
Sandy Point Lighthouse
Sherbrooke Village North
Sherbrooke Village South
Ski Martock
Ski Wentworth 1
Ski Wentworth 2
South Maitland
The Wave
Truro Civic Square
Walton Lighthouse
White Point Beach
Windsor Skatepark
Yarmouth Skatepark
Belliveau Cove Harbour
Cape Sable Island
Lockeport Crescent Beach
Mavillette Beach
Meat Cove Campground
Quarterdeck Resort
Sandy Point Lighthouse
View of the Sea Cottages
White Point Beach
Golf Courses
Chester Golf Club
Highlands Links #1
Highlands Links #12
Highlands Links #18
Baddeck Wharf
Belliveau Cove Harbour
Burntcoat Head
Cape Forchu Lightstation
Cape Saint Mary
Lockeport Crescent Beach
Masstown Market
Mavillette Beach
Parrsboro Wharf
Peggys Cove Lighthouse
Pier 21
Point Prim Lighthouse
Sandy Point Lighthouse
Shelburne Harbour
Walton Lighthouse
Harbours and Waterfronts
Baddeck Wharf
Belliveau Cove Harbour
Bluenose II Wharf
Cape Forchu Lightstation
Chester Yacht Club
Digby Harbour
Digby Water Street
Ferry Terminal
Halifax Waterfront
Hall's Harbour
Inverary Resort
Killam's Wharf
Lobster Rock Wharf Causeway
Lobster Rock Wharf East
Lobster Rock Wharf North
Lobster Rock Wharf Parking
Lobster Rock Wharf West
MacKay Bridge
Marginal Wharf North
Marginal Wharf South
Museum Wharves
Old Government Wharf
Parrsboro Wharf
Peggys Cove Village
Pier 21
Quarterdeck Resort
Queen's Marque
Sandy Point Lighthouse
Shelburne Harbour
Tancook Island Wharf
The Wave
Windsor Skatepark
Wolfville Harbourside
Argyle Street
Baddeck Wharf
Bluenose II Wharf
Highland Village Museum
Historic Acadian Village
Landscape of Grand Pré
Museum Wharves
Peggys Cove Lighthouse
Peggys Cove Village
Pier 21
Shelburne Harbour
Sherbrooke Village North
Sherbrooke Village South
The Wave
Places to Eat
Argyle Street
Baddeck Wharf
Bluenose II Wharf
Cape Forchu Lightstation
Chester Golf Club
Cobequid Mountains
Digby Harbour
Halifax Waterfront
Hall's Harbour
Inverary Resort
Killam's Wharf
Masstown Market
Mavillette Beach
Meat Cove Campground
Mersey River Chalets
Milford House
Parrsboro Wharf
Peggys Cove Lighthouse
Peggys Cove Village
Pier 21
Quarterdeck Resort
Sandy Point Lighthouse
Walton Lighthouse
White Point Beach
Wild Blueberry Cam 1
Wild Blueberry Cam 2
Wolfville Dykelands
Places to Stay
Bluenose II Wharf
Burntcoat Head
Digby Harbour
Inverary Resort
Mavillette Beach
Meat Cove Campground
Mersey River Chalets
Milford House
Pier 21
Quarterdeck Resort
Truro Civic Square
View of the Sea Cottages
White Point Beach
Wolfville Dykelands
Belliveau Cove Harbour
Burntcoat Head
Cape Forchu Lightstation
Cape Saint Mary
Digby Harbour
Digby Water Street
Fundy Discovery Site
Hall's Harbour
Lobster Rock Wharf North
Lobster Rock Wharf West
Lockeport Crescent Beach
Marginal Wharf North
Marginal Wharf South
Mavillette Beach
Parrsboro Wharf
Quarterdeck Resort
Rockcliffe by the Sea
Sandy Point Lighthouse
South Maitland
Windsor Salt Marsh
Queen's Marque
Armdale Roundabout
Digby Water Street
Lobster Rock Wharf Causeway
Lobster Rock Wharf Parking
MacKay Bridge
Truro Nissan
Fundy Discovery Site
Highlands Links #12
Highlands Links #18
Wild Blueberry Cam 1
Wild Blueberry Cam 2
Windsor Salt Marsh
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> Eastern Shore
Sherbrooke Village North
View from the steeple of the St. James Presbyterian Church
Sherbrooke Village South
View from the steeple of the St. James Presbyterian Church