About Nova Scotia Webcams

We have lots of cameras Nova Scotia Webcams launched in 2009 with only 25 cameras. Now, with more than 70 HD, live-streaming webcams located all over Nova Scotia, we are the largest webcam network in Canada. Nova Scotia in real-time Our webcams broadcast seven-days-a-week, 24-hours-a-day all year long to bring you the highest quality, real-time images in the industry. More than just a pretty picture We specialize in webcam installations for business, events and communities in Nova Scotia. Some of the benefits of our services include:tourism and local business marketingtraffic and weather monitoringlong-term time-lapse camerasshort-term mobile camera set-ups for special eventsGet a webcam - Support us

Comment Guidelines

Participate with us online, tell us your story, leave your comments, let us know how you are connected to Nova Scotia. Post about your last or maybe next vacation in Nova Scotia. Let us and others know what you have seen on the web cams, share your experience with your contributions. What is and isn’t acceptable? Please keep your submissions relevant to the website. Be civil, polite and respect privacy. When you are writing about legal issues, remember that people are innocent until proven guilty (that may mean using words such as “allegedly”). Feel free to link internally within the novascotiawebcams.com site as many times as you would like. As for external web addresses, we moderate your post first and until not approved your post will be hidden. Always avoid: Lengthy excerpts from other posts or websites. We want to read your own experience, opinion and comment. Racist, sexist and…


All webcam images and/or videos by Nova Scotia Webcams are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. For permissions beyond the scope of this license please email us via our contact page.


This website is not affiliated with the Province of Nova Scotia or the Halifax Regional Municipality or any other official website of the city or the province of Nova Scotia. Information, images, graphic design and layout contained on this site are copyright of QVISTO Inc. Information of this site may be used solely for personal, non-commercial, and informational purposes only. You may not reproduce, copy or redistribute the design or layout herein, individual elements of the web design or images without express written permission of QVISTO Inc. Any links to other websites are suggested as sources of more information about Nova Scotia. QVISTO Inc. is not an agent for, and does not recommend or endorse for any purpose, any person, or product referred to in any of these linked websites.

Privacy Policy

We collect personal information from our customers in the regular course of doing business. This page answers some of your most frequently asked questions, and lets you know exactly how we’re protecting the information you entrust to us.What personal information do you collect about me?We may collect the following information about you: Name, Address, Postal Code, Phone Number, Email Address, Date of Birth/Age, Gender, Payment card number, Payment card expiry date, Purchase history, Customer satisfaction info, Opinions about products and services When you visit our web site, we also collect: information about your computer, including your IP address, the type of operating system and browser you use, and your computer’s location, what pages you visit on our site, what links you click on, and what other sites you’ve visited recently.How do you use this information?The main reasons we collect personal information from you are: Orders, Returns, Complaints, Customer Service, Marketing,…